A – General rules for the selection and evaluation of intermediaries
Qualitative and quantitative criteria are also used to select and evaluate intermediaries. Some criteria are more important than others and therefore carry a greater weight in the overall evaluation.
The Manager in charge of the management of UCIs or mandates:
reviews the quality of the services of existing intermediaries,
evaluates the number of counterparties and the fees of intermediaries,
takes the decision to include or exclude an intermediary.
The selection of investments and intermediaries is carried out independently, in the best interests of unitholders.
Only intermediaries on the authorised list may execute orders on behalf of the UCIs or mandates managed by INOCAP Gestion.
No obligations in terms of volumes exist in the agreements signed between INOCAP Gestion and its intermediaries.
The evaluation process is formalised using the procedure described below and an evaluation grid (see Appendix 2).
B – Orders placed by EXOE
INOCAP Gestion executes its orders directly on the market through :
-Either directly through brokers
-Or indirectly through an outsourced trading desk
The management company goes through an outsourced trading desk (EXOE) for the execution of orders on behalf of the UCITS on the market. Exoe has transmitted to INOCAP Gestion its best execution policy and provides the management company with periodic reports to assess the best execution of the orders placed.
C – Evaluation
Counterparties are evaluated on a semi-annual basis.
D- Information for clients on the best execution policy
INOCAP Gestion communicates its “Best Selection” policy to clients on its website. For the management under mandate, this information is inserted in the management mandate. For UCITS and FIA, this policy is recalled in each management report.
A – Regulatory Application
Article 319-18 and 321-122 of the AMF General Regulation
AMF Instruction 2007-02
B – Reminder of the regulatory context
INOCAP Gestion is obliged to prepare a report relating to intermediation fees as soon as it has recourse to services of assistance to the decision of investment and execution of orders and that the intermediation fees represented for the financial year an amount higher than 500.000 euros. During the financial year 2020, which ended on December 31, 2020, INOCAP Gestion used services of assistance to the investment decision and execution of orders. In addition, intermediation fees represented an amount in excess of 500,000 euros during the financial year 2020. In accordance with the provisions of articles 319-18 and 321-122 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, INOCAP Gestion prepares a document entitled “Report on intermediation fees”. This document specifies the conditions under which INOCAP Gestion has used services of assistance to the investment decision and execution of orders, as well as the distribution key noted between :
1) The intermediation fees relative to the service of reception and transmission and to the service of execution of orders;
2) Intermediation fees relating to the investment decision support and order execution services. Within the framework of the processing of its stock exchange orders, INOCAP Gestion has recourse to intermediaries for the execution of orders on the market through :
– Either directly through brokers
– Or indirectly through an outsourced trading desk
C – Allocation of transaction costs
The breakdown of intermediation fees for the year ended December 31, 2020 is as follows
Brokerage for execution: 77%.
Brokerage for Exoé: 23%
D – Research budget
The 2020 research budget by INOCAP Gestion is €183,200 including tax.
E – Prevention of conflicts of interest
Inocap Gestion has taken the following measures to prevent conflicts of interest in the choice of service providers providing investment decision support and order execution services:
– The selection of service providers is subject to a rigorous process.
– There is no agreement on the volume of transactions with the selected providers.
– The management company does not receive any retrocessions on commissions for assistance with investment decisions and order execution
– The management company is not linked to the service providers providing investment decision support and order execution services
The management company has a satisfactory organization to deal with any potential conflict of interest that may arise in the relationship with the providers of investment decision support and order execution services.
The Head of Compliance and Internal Control (RCCI) of the management company is systematically involved in the handling of any conflict of interest.
A – Object
The European Commission requires annual publication of information on the identity of the places of execution and the quality of the execution obtained. This reporting obligation is part of the MiFID II Directive (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), which aims to harmonize the regulation of investment services in all member states. (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), which aims to harmonize the regulation of investment services in all member states of the European
of the European Economic Area.
Accordingly, investment firms are required to apply a number of regulatory technical standards,(Regulatory Technical Standards – RTS). RTS 28 sets out the requirements expected to increase the quality and transparency of the information
transparency of information available to professional and non-professional investors regarding orders transmitted or executed.
B – What is the RTS 28 ?
RTS 28 supplements MiFID 2014/65/EU with technical regulatory standards:
Investment firms that execute client orders are required to summarize and publish the top five execution venues in terms of trading volume on which they executed client orders in the previous year, as well as information on the quality of the execution obtained.
Investment firms that transmit client orders are required to summarize and publish a list of the five execution providers in terms of transaction volume with which they executed client orders in the previous year, as well as information on the quality of the execution obtained.
As part of this requirement, INOCAP Gestion must also publish for each category of financial instruments, a
summary of the analysis and conclusions of the detailed monitoring of the quality of execution obtained during the previous year.
C – RTS 28 : Summary of the analysis
This document presents a summary of the analysis carried out by INOCAP Gestion and the conclusions it draws from the detailed monitoring of the quality of execution :
– obtained on the platforms on which it executed all its clients’ orders during the previous year
– obtained from the counterparties to which it has transmitted its clients’ orders during the previous year.
INOCAP Gestion has a policy and associated measures (Execution Policy) concerning the transmission and execution of its clients’ orders within the framework of its activities as an investment services provider.
The information document on the Execution Policy of INOCAP Gestion for its clients is available on The products concerned by this report correspond to the financial instruments defined in Section C of Annex I of MiFID II.
Relative importance of the factors allowing the evaluation of the execution quality:
The factors considered by INOCAP Gestion are as follows:
– Price: final price at which a financial instrument is executed;
– Costs: implicit costs such as the possible impact on the market, explicit internal costs which represent the
remuneration of INOCAP Gestion, explicit external costs (minimum fees, compensation, etc…);
– Speed: estimated time needed to execute a transaction;
– Probability of execution and settlement: the probability that INOCAP Gestion can conclude a transaction;
– Size: size of the transaction that may affect the price of the execution; and
– Nature of the order or any other consideration relating to the execution of the order: particular characteristics of the order that may affect the best execution of the order.
Generally, INOCAP Gestion considers that the most important factor for its clients is the price at which the financial instrument is executed. This price must take into account the possible costs paid by the client.
Secondary execution factors considered when assessing the quality of execution are speed, likelihood of execution, type and size of the order and settlement.
During the review prior to the trading process, INOCAP Gestion uses the experience and expertise of its teams to obtain the best balance of factors allowing the best execution. This discretionary judgment is exercised with regard to the information available at the time the order is issued and during the execution process. The qualitative factors are, for example, access to the market, market share, liquidity, knowledge of the market or its specificity, specialization, price transparency, order processing, processing costs and rating.
In order to offer the best possible execution to its clients, INOCAP Gestion continuously monitors the evolution of the market, the quality of execution obtained, the execution venues and the service providers used to execute the clients’ orders. Our monitoring consists of both an order by order monitoring and a monitoring of the general trend of the execution quality.
These elements are detailed in the INOCAP Gestion execution policy, available at the following address:
Description of the possible links, conflicts of interest and common participations with the service providers or platforms allowing the execution of the clients’ orders:
INOCAP Gestion does not have any close ties, conflicts of interest or common participation with the service providers or platforms used to execute its clients’ orders.
Any transaction or relationship between INOCAP Gestion and the providers or platforms is carried out in accordance with INOCAP Gestion’s conflict of interest policy. For more information, please refer to the INOCAP Gestion Order Execution Policy and the procedure relating to the prevention of conflicts of interest.
Explanation of the factors that led to the modification of the list of providers or platforms used:
There is no change to note in the list of execution venues listed in the INOCAP Gestion execution policy.
The execution providers listed in the INOCAP Gestion execution policy are subject to an ongoing approval and monitoring process, which includes regular assessments of the performance of the services provided in terms of execution quality.
Explanation of how the transmission or execution of orders varies according to the category of clients:
INOCAP Gestion addresses non-professional and professional clients.
For non-professional clients, the best possible result will generally be determined by price and costs.
For professional clients, the best possible outcome will generally be determined by price and cost, but may depend on other execution factors, such as size and type, specific to the particular order.
For a detailed description of how we execute our clients’ orders, please see our Order Execution Policy.
Indication of preferred and non-preferred criteria in relation to price and cost and explanation of the role of these criteria in achieving the best possible result for non-professional clients:
Under its Best Execution policy, the best possible result will generally be determined by price and cost. For a detailed description of how we execute our equity client orders, please see our Order Execution Policy.
Use of data and tools related to the quality of execution, published by providers subject to the RTS27:
INOCAP Gestion monitors the quality of execution provided by the execution venues and providers used to execute client orders. This monitoring uses external and independent vendors and market data to measure the quality of execution of orders.
This monitoring also includes exception-based analyses, the results of which are reviewed by the compliance department in conjunction with the dealing teams.
D – Statistics by asset class
“passive order” means an order, entered in the order book, that has provided liquidity.
“aggressive order”: an order, entered in the order book, which has absorbed liquidity.
“directed order”: an order for which the client has specified in advance the execution platform.
Assets class breakdown – Equities
Client |
Instrument category |
Start Date |
End Date |
Equities Bands_1-2 |
20200101 |
20201231 |
Indicate if <1 order executed on average per business day of the previous year: |
NO |
Top five execution platforms ranked by trading volume
(descending order) |
Proportion of the volume of orders executed as a percentage of the total volume |
Proportion of the umber of orders executed as a percentage of total number |
Percentage of passive orders |
Percentage of aggressive orders |
Percentage of directed orders |
213800R54EFFINMY1P02 FR |
20,0% |
17,7% |
8,8% |
20,7% |
0,0% |
9695005EOZG9X8IRJD84 FR |
14,9% |
9,1% |
63,0% |
34,9% |
0,0% |
969500ULC0Y1IG0A4O72 FR |
14,6% |
1,6% |
0,0% |
9695002I9DJHZ3449O66 FR |
13,1% |
13,7% |
28,4% |
12,2% |
0,0% |
969500UEQ3U3P21QNJ13 FR |
11,7% |
30,4% |
41,3% |
20,6% |
0,0% |
Client |
Instrument category |
Start Date |
End Date |
Equities Bands_3-4 |
20200101 |
20201231 |
Indiquer si <1 ordre exécuté en moyenne par jour ouvrable de l’année précédente : |
Top five execution platforms ranked by trading volume
(descending order) |
Proportion of the volume of orders executed as a percentage of the total volume |
Proportion of the number of orders executed as a percentage of total number |
Percentage of passive orders |
Percentage of aggressive orders |
Percentage of directed orders |
9695002I9DJHZ3449O66 FR |
20,1% |
20,9% |
28,8% |
24,4% |
0,0% |
969500UP76J52A9OXU27 FR |
18,3% |
15,5% |
24,6% |
32,0% |
0,0% |
9695005EOZG9X8IRJD84 FR |
16,8% |
15,3% |
77,0% |
19,9% |
0,0% |
529900MC68RTGHKI4F05 DE |
9,0% |
7,3% |
34,3% |
39,9% |
0,0% |
529900UC2OD7II24Z667 DE |
8,9% |
5,3% |
46,0% |
18,4% |
0,0% |
Client |
Instruments category |
Start Date |
End Date |
Equities Bands_5-6 |
20200101 |
20201231 |
Indicate if <1 order executed on average per business day of the previous year: |
NO |
Top five execution platforms ranked by trading volume
(descending order) |
Proportion of the volume of orders executed as a percentage of the total volume |
Proportion of the number of orders executed as a percentage of total number |
Percentage of passive orders |
Percentage of aggressive orders |
Percentage of directed orders |
9695002I9DJHZ3449O66 FR |
20,9% |
21,8% |
35,3% |
30,5% |
0,0% |
9695005EOZG9X8IRJD84 FR |
12,7% |
12,4% |
66,9% |
24,6% |
0,0% |
549300R83Q2VTICWNV15 FR |
12,1% |
12,1% |
33,2% |
31,0% |
0,0% |
969500UP76J52A9OXU27 FR |
10,6% |
8,7% |
27,5% |
60,6% |
0,0% |
969500UEQ3U3P21QNJ13 FR |
10,1% |
10,9% |
39,4% |
55,1% |
0,0% |
Asset class breakdown – ETF
Client |
Instrument category |
Start Date |
End Date |
20200101 |
20201231 |
Indicate if <1 order executed on average per business day of the previous year: |
Top five execution platforms ranked by trading volume
(descending order) |
Percentage of the volume of orders executed total |
Number of orders executed as a percentage of total number |
Percentage of passive orders |
Percentage of aggressive orders |
Percentage of directed orders |
84,7% |
66,7% |
100,0% |
0,0% |
969500UP76J52A9OXU27 FR |
15,4% |
33,3% |
100,0% |
0,0% |
Asset class allocation – Bonds
Client |
Instruments category |
Start Date |
End Date |
Obligation |
20200101 |
20201231 |
Indicate if <1 order executed on average per business day of the previous year: |
Top five execution platforms ranked by trading volume
(descending order) |
Proportion of the volume of orders executed as a percentage of the total volume |
Proportion of the number of orders executed as a percentage of total number |
Percentage of passive orders |
Percentage of aggressive orders |
Percentage of directed orders |
9695002I9DJHZ3449O66 FR |
43,5% |
33,3% |
0,0% |
43,2% |
52,8% |
0,0% |
969500378YE4MLGK0898 FR |
7,4% |
5,6% |
0,0% |
4,3% |
5,6% |
0,0% |
1,6% |
2,8% |
0,0% |